On Dualboot + TPM + LUKS + Legion 5 Pro 16ACH6H

A very quick guide.


This is a short note on how I set up my Legion 5 pro with Archlinux + Windows 11 Dualboot.


  • Read all the instructions and the files provided before proceeding
  • My partition structure look like. Other than the once below I have my windows partition, windows recovery partition, and Linux swap partition.
> sudo inxi -p
  ID-1: / size: 742.84 GiB used: 550.05 GiB (74.0%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/dm-1
  ID-2: /boot size: 1022 MiB used: 13.3 MiB (1.3%) fs: vfat
    dev: /dev/nvme0n1p5
  ID-3: /efi size: 256 MiB used: 207.1 MiB (80.9%) fs: vfat
    dev: /dev/nvme0n1p1
  ID-4: /home size: 742.84 GiB used: 550.05 GiB (74.0%) fs: btrfs
    dev: /dev/dm-1
  ID-5: swap-1 size: 9.75 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/dm-0
> cat /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# Note this a sample. Modify your parameters accordingly don't use this file.
MODULES=(amdgpu amd_pstate)
HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect modconf sd-encrypt block filesystems keyboard fsck)
  • Have a large (at least 256MB) efi partition mounted at /efi . We will place our kernel in efi partition so make sure its big enough. You can use a separate boot partition but it makes this slightly more complicated
  • Use Unified kernel Image
  • Make sure to modify your /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-zen.preset so the the UKI is generated to the /efi/EFI/Linux/archlinux-linux-zen.efi .
> cat /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-zen.preset 
# mkinitcpio preset file for the 'linux-zen' package


PRESETS=('default' 'fallback' 'vfio')

default_options="--splash=/usr/share/systemd/bootctl/splash-arch.bmp --cmdline /etc/kernel/cmdline"

fallback_options="-S autodetect --cmdline /etc/kernel/cmdline_fallback"
  • Use systemd-boot
  • Try to boot and see if you can unlock the root partition. Note that you must use systemd based initramfs. You can use /etc/crypttab.initramfs to make kernel command line more compact
> cat /etc/crypttab.initramfs 
CRYPT_ROOT /dev/nvme0n1p6 none discard,timeout=180
LUKS_SWAP /dev/nvme0n1p7 none discard
> cat /etc/kernel/cmdline
root=UUID=90f8214f-7vc3-408a-a00a-2ec2c47ffcdd rw rootflags=subvol=@ nowatchdog nmi_watchdog=0 mitigations=off resume=/dev/mapper/LUKS_SWAP quiet bgrt_disable
  • Use sbctl to create and sign the efi binaries. Enroll with Microsoft’s keys sudo sbctl enroll-keys -m .I use sbctl-initcpio-post-hook for automatic signing after each kernel update.
  • Now turn on secure boot in bios and see if everything works.
  • If everything works enroll tpm state into the LUKS root volume . I use a file as in below for this purpose
echo "This script will enroll latest TPM2 PCR values into the LUKS2 header of the root and swap partition. You will need to rerun this script everytime you upgrade/modify your kernel"

#/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/CRYPT_ROOT.key contains the secret to unlock the LUKS volume
#That file can be created using
#print "<password>" | sudo tee /etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/CRYPT_ROOT.key
# else you can remove the --unlock-key-file=/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/CRYPT_ROOT.key part and let the program pront for the passphrase
echo "Wiping nvme0n1p7 tpm2 slots"
sudo systemd-cryptenroll /dev/nvme0n1p7 --wipe-slot=tpm2 
echo "Wiping nvme0n1p6 tpm2 slots"
sudo systemd-cryptenroll /dev/nvme0n1p6 --wipe-slot=tpm2
echo "Enrolling nvme0n1p6 with tpm2 pcr 4+7+14"
sudo systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=4+7+14 /dev/nvme0n1p6 --unlock-key-file=/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/CRYPT_ROOT.key
echo "Enrolling nvme0n1p7 with tpm2 pcr 4+7+14"
sudo systemd-cryptenroll --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrs=4+7+14 /dev/nvme0n1p7 --unlock-key-file=/etc/cryptsetup-keys.d/CRYPT_ROOT.key 
  • Everything should work in theory :)